RED = Terrible
ORANGE = Not Very Good
PURPLE = Pretty Good
GREEN = Amazing
BLUE = In Between Two (Look After Rating To See Which Two It's In Between)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ever After -short film

Ever After, written by Cam Caddell and directed by Isabella Beals, was rather enjoyable and very creative.  I've seen characters mixed from different fairy tales before, but this was a great new display!  The plot is an excellent twist on familiar story lines that we all know, and has a cute, quick arrangement that gets right to the point, and I like that in a film!

Rating: 5 Stars                 (Note:  Ever After can be viewed on YouTube) 
                                         (Note:  If you would like to help fund Cameron Cadell's, Isabella Beals', and their old friend from Ever after, Iris Blok's next film project, pleae click on the link below.)


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hotel Transylvania -movie

Hotel Transylvania, written by Robert SmigelPeter Baynham and directed by Genndy Tartakovsky, is great film for families.  There are some jokes that can get kind of goofy, but there are also plenty of cheap shots!  The plot is very traditional, monster falls in love with a human, but is displayed in a way that is pretty original.  I thought, overall, it was an excellent film, and it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.  I would recommend it as a family activity and certainly for kids.

Rating: 4 STARS